Dementia: The worrying ‘rise of pseudomedicine’

An article, published in JAMA Network this month, attacks what it refers to as pseudomedicine. In particular, the authors are concerned that individuals with dementia and their families are being targeted.

Dementia is becoming increasingly prevalent as the population of the United States ages.

Currently, 5.7 million people in the U.S. are living with Alzheimer’s, the most common form of dementia.

Worldwide, an estimated 47 million individuals are living with dementia.

However, to date, there is no cure, and treatments can only relieve certain symptoms for some people.

Added to the millions who already have a dementia diagnosis, there are many millions more who are concerned that they, too, might develop dementia one day.

A rise in quackery?

All of these millions could, potentially, be vulnerable to anyone who claims to have answers, whether they offer improved treatments, preventative methods, or, indeed, cures.

This perfect storm of growing prevalence and concern has, according to a recent article, sparked a steep rise in non-evidence-based treatments for dementia and general brain health.

With today’s unparalleled access to information of all types, some individuals are being duped into investing in medical interventions that are not supported by scientific literature. As the authors summarize:

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